Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Welcome Back, Tom!

Yes, I am welcoming myself back - back to the world of blogging. It seems that eons have passed since I last ventured to share a few thoughts. Since last we met, I have visited my son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren in South Carolina; and celebrated Christmas with them. I have also celebrated Christmas again with my daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter from Wisconsin. Of course both celebrations included my wife and #1 daughter. I must say, without any bias or prejudice whatsoever, that I have a great family! Three children - 2 "children-in-law" - 4 grandchildren - and a wonderful wife. What joys all!!!

In addition to celebrations related to the birth of Jesus, I have also celebrated the love and wonder of God through prayer and worship with approximately 12,000 young adults at the OneThing Conference in Kansas City. Some of you may have participated in person or on the web. Thanks to God TV the quality of the broadcast was stepped up quite a bit over previous endeavors. If you were one that joined the conference through the web stream, I'd like to hear your response to the conference and the quality of broadcast.

One last comment - while we were away at the OneThing conference, the prayer room at the International House of Prayer was transformed to make it more "visual friendly." I think I like it! There are a few things that will take a little getting used to, but that's okay! A little change is good for us from time to time.

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