Thursday, January 04, 2007


At the encouragement of Shawn Blanc, I am venturing into the arena of the controversial - Genocide in Darfur. Granted, my understanding of the whole issue is child-like, but I am appalled by the reports I do hear, see, and read. One article I read said that Christians in a "Christian Chat Room" (somehow that seems almost like an oxymoron), when asked to discuss the issue, completely dismissed the topic saying that charity begins at home and wondering why Christians in America should care what is happening half way around the world. I'm not surprised - American Christians are among the most biblically illiterate and therefore self-centered in the world.

My heart is broken when I see the faces of the children caught in this horror. I think of my own children and grand children. How would I respond were these things happening to my family? Well guess what! It is happening to my family - my brothers and sisters in Christ are among the main targets of the extremist Muslim militias. My brothers and sisters in Christ are being starved, beaten, raped, tortured and murdered. So why am I not more broken? Why am I not moved to tears? Why am I not moving heaven through prayer on behalf of my family in Darfur? It's time for the Body of Christ in the developed countries of the world to be shaken by the atrocities and mobilize themselves in whatever ways possible - especially in prayer!

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