Sunday, January 07, 2007

It's Cold and Flu Season

It's cold and flue season. How do I know? I used almost an entire box of tissue yesterday - sat in the recliner feeling sorry for myself - wore three shirts, was covered by a blanket and was still freezing - felt like I was swallowing thumbtacks - resisting coughing because it really hurts. Need I go on? Probably not. The crummy thing about it is that I wash my hands like some kind of neurotic germophobe - I cough or sneeze into the bend of my elbow instead of my hand - I take vitamin C - I do lots of good things that ought to make me invincible! Yeah, right! So for all you folks out there in bloggerland - take care of yourselves and just maybe you will avoid the tiny little bugs that are feasting on my flesh right now.


Esther Irwin said...

Be healed in the name of Jesus! Are colds too small to pray for?

Tom Mills said...

Absolutely not! That's why I posted this - it was a good way to ask for prayer from around the world!

Anonymous said...

you know it's going around when your sitting in the IHOP team meeting and you can barely hear Mike talk because of the coughing and sneezing go on all around... I got worried that I'd be next...but i claimed Mark 16 and moved on