Well, we arrived safely yesterday - not one hitch in the process. Kudos to Continental Airlines for great service all the way. We were (and still are) tired - long hours of travel will do that to you, but it is well worth every moment of confinement in a tiny space with no leg room. However, there are advantages to being less (a lot less) than six feet tall when it comes to air travel. Anyway, we slept very well, and didn't wake up at 6 am KC time, but made it all the way to 6 am HI time - so I consider that a pretty big victory.
We had a great encounter with a woman in the airport in Honolulu while waiting for our shuttle flight to Maui. She is from Houston and was headed for Maui for her nephew's wedding. She shared that she was concerned that neither he nor his wife were believers and she was one of the only family members attending who was a believer, so she felt a huge responsibility to be there for them. She so wanted the new couple to know the love of Christ. It was moving that she almost broke into tears every time she talked about the couple. Debbie and I have prayed for her and ask you to do so as well. Since I did not ask permission to share this, I don't feel I can share her name, but that really isn't necessary. She's standing in the gap for these kids, and if you think about it, you might stand in the gap for her as well. It was also great to be able to share one of my books with her. She read part of it on the short flight between Honolulu and Maui and at the baggage claim she made a point of telling me how she had already been impacted and couldn't wait to finish it. Pray for her to deepen her relationship with Jesus even more as she encounters Him in Glad to Forgive.
Pray that we will have more of those divine encounters as the trip progresses!
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