Friday, March 23, 2007

Factoid Friday

After missing the last couple of Fridays because of my trip to Hawaii, it is once again time for


Did you know that the human brain processes about 11 million pieces of information EVERY SECOND? That's lots of information, right? Now here's the really interesting part - only 40 of those pieces of information are processed consciously. That means that 10,999,960 pieces of information are processed by the unconscious brain! The implications of this information are - now get this - mind boggling. There is a lot going on in and around us that is completely beyond the scope of our awareness - and yet it impacts how we feel, what we think, how we act, what we do.

I have no idea what you are to do with this information - but I'm just committed to reporting the factoids - I'll let you figure out the implications.

1 comment:

Esther Irwin said...

That's more than I can think about.