Sunday, July 16, 2006

Dawgs Are Pretty Smart

I just came in from the back yard. It's hot today in Kansas City -- not as hot as it is forecast to be the rest of the week, but still hot. I love the heat and my daughter's dog loves for anyone to join her in the back yard to play with her. We played for a few minutes -- actually, I threw the volleyball and she chased after it, pushing it along the ground with her nose as if it were a soccer ball -- guess she's not that smart if she doesn't know the difference in a volleyball and a soccer ball. Anyway, I was ready for more "play" when I noticed that she had gone to stand in her wading pool. Yes, we bought the dog a blue plastic wading pool just for days like today. I threw the ball, and she stood in the water and looked at me like as was some kind of fool. I encouraged, "Go get your ball, Abby!" She continued to stand in the wading pool. I then ran over to the ball and kicked it like a soccer ball (she trained me very quickly) and said again, "Go get your ball!" She stood in the water and watched. About that time, I noticed how really hot it is and left our play time for the air conditioning, leaving Abby standing in the cool water of her wading pool. When you think about it, dawgs are pretty smart.

1 comment:

Randy Bohlender said...

It was way hotter in Texas.