Do those sound like the words of a child who has just broken his mom's favorite antique punch bowl...or the words of a husband who was on his way to the toilet (in a big hurry - don't ask) and stepped on the laundry basket (placed strategically in the hallway between the office and toilet), strewing clothes everywhere and crushing (literally crushing) the plastic basket? By now, your votes have been cast and you've chosen option # 2 - the klutzy husband.
What happened? I don't know - it was just one of those freak occurrences - I'm sure the phase of the moon and coming snow storm converged to create some kind of time warp vortex. Who knows? Maybe I'm just not as adept as I once was at leaping tall laundry baskets in a single bound. Whatever the cause, I'm now in the market for a new laundry basket.
Life goes on!
I can't help myself.
I work as an industrial safety manager.
Materials stored even temporarily in an established walkway would be an unsafe materials management practice, and the organization could draw a fine from OSHA for the practice, if under it's jurisdiction.
As the defacto authority responsible for the facility, it would fall to you to establish reasonable expectations for materials management.
In the mean time, your commendations are likely due to the primary laundry materials manager for the wise choice of a soft rather than rigid container. This choice may have been made with consideration of the physical grace of the facilities occupants.
I love your posts.
Dave Gray
Florence, SC
lol... i know the feeling far far far too well... :)
except i'm not married... or old... :P so the 18 year old single klutz works...
Tom -
I really appreciate your blog. Just thought I'd let you know.
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