Friday, February 23, 2007

Factoid Friday!!!

Well, it's that time again. Since I've not posted with any regularity lately, I'm a little embarrassed; but since it's only a little embarrassment, then I'll go ahead. If I were a LOT embarrassed, then I'd find another avenue of expression. However ... it's time for
Factoid Friday!!!
Did you know that it is easier to influence a person to your point of view after he (or she) has had a large dose of caffeine?
That's correct! Australian researchers apparently didn't have enough to do, so they gave participants in the study either a placebo (containing no caffeine) or a drink that contained the caffeine equivalent of 2 cups of coffee. Following the ingestion of the brew, the participants were asked to read a persuasive message stating an opinion which they had formerly opposed. The folks hopped up on caffeine were more likely to be persuaded to change their opinion than the folks who got the placebo.
Two observations:
1) I must stop watching the news while I have my morning coffee!
2) If I need to sell something, there are a few apparently easy targets in the IHOP-KC world.
Have a great weekend!


Esther Irwin said...

factoid: you haven't blogged for awhile... where are you?

Tom Mills said...

I've been teaching a module at Forerunner School of Ministry on the writings of Peter. It's new material for me, so I've been consumed with it. Example: Sunday, I started working at 8 am, skipped going to FCF and finally couldn't get any more in my brain at 9 pm. It's been like that almost every day. But I finishe this Thursday, so I should be back soon. Thanks for asking!

ChriS & Yvette Ferguson said...

Great and scary factoid.

Anonymous said...

So what you are saying is that having coffee is the best way to share Jesus right? Jk

Tom Mills said...

Nathan, you may have hit on something - Java for Jesus!