Monday, November 06, 2006

A Follow-up Thought on Ted Haggard

Well, it turns out that our brother Ted Haggard has, in fact, been involved in the things for which he was accused. We are sad - we are disappointed - we are hurt - we are grieving. We continue to pray for Ted and all those who are directly related to him - especially his wife and children. And we pray that Ted will be open to correction and healing and restoration.

One of the things we in Western Christianity need to learn to embrace is corporate responsibility for sin in the Body. Paul indicates in 1 Corinthians 6:15-16 that when a Christian joins his/her body to that of a prostitute, that the entire Body of Christ becomes involved. Now, I'm certain that I don't understand all the intricacies and implications of that, but I do understand enough of it to know that I have a responsibility to all other Christians on the face of the earth to avoid that sort of thing. For too long, we have made Christianity an "individual sport." By stressing personal salvation (which needs to be stressed!) we have also de-emphasized corporate salvation. When we are saved, we become part - literally - of the Body of Christ.

I think of Achan in the book of Joshua. The people of God were told to leave everything in Jericho alone. But ol' Achan just couldn't keep his hands off some of the nice shiny trinkets that were left unattended after Jericho fell. He looked around and nobody was watching so he took some of the things God said not to take. Soon, the people were getting ready to battle the city of Ai. God had promised to give them victory, but this time they got their tails kicked! Joshua said to God, "What's up? Did you lie to us? You promised to give us victory and now men have died and people are frightened!" Then God reminded him, "I didn't give you a blanket pass to victory. I told you that only as you did what I told you to do would you win battles." Joshua argued, "But we have done everything!" And God replied, "No, not everything. One of you took something I said not to take." You can read the whole story in Joshua 7, but I want to show you a couple of verses specifically (7:10-11).

The LORD said to Joshua, "Get up! Why have you fallen on your face? Israel has sinned; they have transgressed my covenant that I commanded them; they have taken some of the devoted things; they have stolen and lied and put them among their own belongings."

Notice all the plural nouns and pronouns! "Israel" (the whole nation) has sinned. "They" have transgressed... "They" have taken... "They" have stolen... And yet, the truth is that only one guy was guilty. What we learn from this - a lesson the American Church needs to understand - is that while only one may be guilty, we are all responsible!

Now what does all that mean? I'm not sure, entirely. But I do know that I must be more careful in my behavior, because it isn't just MY life that is on the line. Whatever I do, I take the whole Body of Christ with me - even when they are unaware of it! And not only that - God's reputation is open to ridicule and disdain. I'm not wagging my finger at Ted - the last thing he needs right now is more accusations. The Accuser of the brethren is already screaming in his ears. The media and lots of others are doing plenty of accusing. I'm wagging my finger at me and telling myself that every time I'm faced with a moral decision that I'm deciding for a whole host of other folks. I am no longer my own - I am no longer on my own - I am part of the Body of Christ and it's time I started to remember that! Whether I like it or not, that's how it is.

Oh God - help us. We need divine revelation, power, and love to walk this out!


Esther Irwin said...

I had similar thoughts about all of the church being affected by this when I read Numbers 12 about Miriam becoming leprous. God shut her out for 7 days even though Moses prayed for her healing. ALL of Israel had to wait until the full 7 days before she came back into camp before they could ALL (including Miriam) move on. Until healing happens with Ted Haggard and his time finished shut out, the whole body of Christ is in pain and waits until he is brought in again. We need one another and can't go on our own. That's why God says to bear one another's burdens and pray for one another. We have a responsibility in the restoration of this man.

Or, we can shoot the wounded.

ChriS & Yvette Ferguson said...


Everyone should go to New Life's website and read Ted, Gayle's, and the Board's letter. I have a lot of confidence about Ted's new humility, openess to correction. He his recovery/healing plan include Dr. Dobson, and Dr. Jack Hayford, among others. Haggard revealed what was hidden in the tent, and God's mercy and grace are both evident. The Church board acted swiftly, quickly, and did a great job. Ted has acknowledged that his removal as New Life's Lead Pastor is permenant. Too many times in the name of restoration Charismatics have kept a Pastor with minimal consequences. Mostly in mega churches because the "personality" was so critical to keeping the funding and growth going. Praise The Lord, this may be one time where the body does it right, reaches out in love to heal the "man" and yet actually has a measure of discipline that calls all of us to a higher standard. I wrote about how to pray for New Life and the Haggard's at: