Tuesday, October 10, 2006


I just looked over my desk and realized it looks a lot like my life -- filled with clutter. Of course, all of the clutter is good clutter. I have a notebook from my "How To Study The Bible" class. Under that (in no particular order) are notes from Mike Bickle - "Prayer Energized by Intimacy with God," and "The Revelation of Intercession." Below that is Kate Turabian's A Manual for Writers. Then there is a stack of books: The Mystery of God's Word, The Bible, Life in Christ, A Voice From Home, End Times, and God's Design. Behind that is the FSM Faculty Handbook - which reminds me I need to make a few revisions sometime. Then there are the really random things -- a sunglass cleaning kit (complete with tiny screw driver) -- a pair of reading glasses -- a mug filled with pens, scissors, and of course the ever useful magnifying glass -- a box of tissue -- a CD of Gary Wiens' teaching on healing -- a stop watch (no clutter would not be complete without a stop watch) -- a couple of AA rechargeable batteries -- a stapler -- a hole punch -- another book (How To Understand Your Bible). And that's not everything -- just a sampling of clutter. This is a living parable of what happens when you live an unregulated and undisciplined life. I know by now I should be better at maintaining some semblance of organization, but from time to time I look around and clutter is winning! The hard part is, I don't have time to clean clutter right now, because of other commitments. At least the space where my keyboard and monitor rest is relatively clutter free so I can still create more clutter. Enough of that for now - time to prepare for another session of teaching before heading for the still point in my ever turning world -- the prayer room!


Anonymous said...

The office is our constant trouble area, too.

You should have a blind auction for the things on your desk. People just pay for the next item and they get what evers next in the pile. Then all the winners can trade their items with eachother.

Unknown said...

5.06am?? What were you doing up at that time Mr Mills?

I have clutter. My entire bedroom is clutter. I began my prepare-for-moving campaign on Saturday, taking three hours to pack two boxes, precisely two boxes. I cleared out under my bed... and emptied the drawers which were messy (every single drawer I have.) I categorised all my clothing into the right drawers, and now I have a tools drawer, a hair products drawer, a hair-stuff drawer and one or two other drawers... everything else got thrown back into the drawers to be resorted next time. And I cleaned out under the bed, and then realising I had an open home on Sunday afternoon, threw everything back under the bed. :)


Esther Irwin said...

You didn't mention the electronic clutter on your computer, did you? I know, b/c I have the same. People look at my desktop icons and go WOW you are really working on a lot of stuff. I'm not; it's just the way I keep track of the files I want to find. I'm still basically a DOS person and haven't got the hang of Windows yet. I can't even understand Mac's b/c they hide everything. That's a bit of an exaggeration...

Anything on that desk about coming to New Zealand next year? Or is that farther down on the pile?? :)