I find it interesting that Paul had enough confidence in his relationship with Jesus that he could state that he would have "a crown of boasting" (1 Thessalonians 1:19-20) at the coming of the Lord Jesus. In that, we find that Paul's "boasting" was based on being a spiritual parent. That is, Paul was able to stand tall before Jesus because he had started many people on the road to a relationship with Jesus. In that light, Paul was a proud spiritual parent. As the father of 3 great kids, and as the grandfather of 6 (soon to be 7) grandchildren, I understand what Paul was feeling. I love to brag on my kids. I love to pull out pictures of my grandkids. In a sense, Paul was saying, "I can't wait for Jesus to return so that I can show Him pictures of my spiritual kids!"
One of the problems in today's church is that we don't have enough people with the same "pride" as Paul. In fact, too many believers today think that only people like Paul can (or even should) introduce others to Jesus. But in his first letter to the church of Thessalonica, Paul lays out several steps that everyone can take to bring someone into a relationshjp with Jesus. The first step (see
www.ferventlovefirst.blogspot.com May 11, and 18, 2010) in getting an album filled with pictures of spiritual children is to understand that sharing the Gospel is the responsibility of every Christian. In 1 Thessalonians 2:4, we find that we "have been entrusted with the Gospel." In other words, if YOU don't share the love of Jesus with others, then no one will!
The second step in becoming a proud spiritual parent - one who has a photo album full of pictures you want to show to Jesus when He returns - is found in 1 Thessalonians 2:7-8. "But we were gentle among you, like a nursing mother taking care of her own children. So, being affectionately desirous of you, we were ready to share with you not only the Gospel of God, but also I very own selves, because you had become very dear to us."
Paul knew these new babes in Christ had been given him as a trust. He would do nothing to injure them or neglect them. That's why he went beyond just telling them about Jesus. He says, "we were delighted to share with you . . . our VERY OWN SELVES."
The image is a very tender image of a mother nursing her babies. There's no urgency--no tension--in fact, if mom is the least bit tense, the milk won't let down--and the baby will become very frustrated. For nursing to work, the mother has to be relaxed and gentle--she simply can't be in a hurry. There is no greater image of gentleness and peace than that of a nursing mom, as she imparts life to the child through the sacrifice of her own milk.
Several years ago, there was an Olympic ice skater named Nancy Kerrigan -- who won the bronze medal. Nancy's mom is legally blind--and she had never seen Nancy skate in person - she had to watch her on a television screen. She couldn't see her smile--she could only see her form and the color of her costume. As Nancy skated, Mom would sit--nose just a few centimeters from the TV screen and she whispered, "I love you." And when Nancy would finish her routine, her mom broke into wild, and tearful applause--jumping up and down like an excited child. She would then turn and hug her husband and say, "Isn't she beautiful?!" Her mom poured her LIFE into Nancy and it was obvious, Nancy is her pride and joy--her crown of glory!
Now, imagine what would happen, if you began to pour your life into someone who didn't know how much Jesus loves them. Just suppose you gave your life to them the way Nancy Kerrigan's mom poured her life into her daughter. What would that do for their spiritual growth?
Now, just imagine standing there in front of Jesus when He returns and He says, "How'd this person come to know Me?" And with a wide grin, head held high, chest puffed out a little--you said, "I just tried to love them the way You love them."
You see, some things are worth the effort--just to watch a person come into a relationship with Christ and His Church. When Jesus returns, and you stand in His presence--you'll be able to point to a whole host of people who are in the faith because of you and you'll be able to say, "These are my joy and my glory. I am A PROUD PARENT."